About CitizensDx
Our Mission
At CitizensDx, we are committed to providing Healthcare Clinicians the ability to effectively treatment plan for each patient, resulting in improved patient recovery.
Who We Are
The CitizensDx Management Team has extensive experience and background in the senior community space. We understand the unique needs of this special population and realize that better outcomes are important for both the resident and the facility. We constantly seek ways to partner with Healthcare Providers to improve the quality of life for those we serve. Our passion and dedication is focused on bettering the lives of real people by improving access to patient centered care.
What We Do
We help you take the guesswork out of diagnosing and managing infection. By giving you access to innovative diagnostics, our molecular testing promises advantages over the time and resources required for conventional detection methods. This innovative and highly effective diagnostics process allows you to treat every patient with greater accuracy, experience exceptional outcomes, and improve the patient recovery time and experience. We make sample collection easy for everyone. Our response time and results will change the way you deliver healthcare to your patients.
Why We Do It
Patient Benefit
CitizensDx focuses on helping you, help your patients, one individual at a time. Healthcare treatment was never meant to be a “one size fits all” approach. Lacking the ability to tailor care to meet each individual patient’s needs means Doctors must assume that all humans are identical in body, chemistry, genetic makeup, and health status. In reality, patients have an infinite array of genetic and molecular combinations. One person may achieve better outcomes from a particular medicine while the person next door may see no improvement or even suffer serious side effects from the same medication. Personalizing the treatment plan for your patients improves the patient experience. CitizensDx provides you the innovation and tools necessary to personalize and provide a more “precision” medicinal (medicine, medical?) approach to care for your patients.
Prevent Over Prescribing
Antibiotic resistance is one of the greatest public health challenges of our time. Each year in the U.S., at least 2.8 million people get an antibiotic-resistance infections and more than 35,000 people die. One way to help combat this problem is to reduce unnecessary antibiotic use. At least 30% of antibiotics prescribed in the U.S. are unnecessary, according to data published in the Journal of the American Medical Association by the CDC. You can do your part in combatting antibiotic resistance by recommending a specific and effective treatment plan for each patient based on their genetic makeup, allowing you to personalize your patient care and take out the guesswork of which antibiotic would result in the best outcome.
Prevent Unnecessary Healthcare Costs
According to the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, despite higher healthcare spending per capita, the U.S. generally does not have better health outcomes. Americans spend on average about $1,200 on prescriptions each year. However, the cost is much higher for at-risk populations who are polypharmic (Those who take multiple medications, e.g. the Medicare population.) To counteract the rising costs of medications, a new diagnostic medicine called pharmacogenomics has allowed patients, payors and physicians to all benefit. Pharmcogneomics is the study of how genes affect one’s response to medications. Scientists are now able to determine what medications could be better suited for a patient based on their DNA. CitizensDx can provide clinicians with a variety of molecular diagnostic tests that will help you prescribe the right medication, reduce adverse reactions, and help payor sources benefit by avoiding paying for medications that don’t work. https://resources.genomemedical.com/how-genetic-testing-is-impacting-top-drivers-of-health-care-costs